Student Placement with a Host Family

Homestay Program

As part of our international program, we offer students a chance to live with an English-speaking family in order to gain a better understanding of Canadian lifestyles and values. Our homestay families provide a loving family environment in which our international students can achieve positive personal growth and academic excellence.

Homestay families, in turn, get to experience the culture and background of students from a variety of countries. Host families are encouraged to participate in organized events and activities that our international students would likely be unable to experience in their own countries.

Homestay Application

If you are interested in our Homestay Program, please fill out the Homestay Application Form.

With the Homestay Application, you must include:

  • A photocopy of the student Passport with the student's picture
  • A letter of introduction written by the student
  • A letter of introduction written by the student's natural parent
  • Pictures of the student and his/her family engaged in activities at home 

When you apply there will be a $500.00 non-refundable Homestay Application fee.


Student Placement with a Host Family

Once a student has been accepted into the International Program and submitted a complete Homestay Application, placement with a host family can begin.

  • The complete Homestay Application is forwarded to the RDCRS Homestay Coordinator.
  • Based on the information provided on the application, the Homestay Coordinator will begin a search for a suitable family.
  • Once a suitable match has been found, a profile of the family will be emailed to the natural parents or the student's Authorized Representative.
  • For September registrations, Host Family profiles will be emailed in June.
  • For February registrations, Host Family profiles will be emailed in January.
  • Natural parents or Authorized Representatives are asked to respond to the profile within one week.
  • Once the Natural Parent or Authorized representative have agreed with the placement, contact information will be exchanged between the families.

NOTE: Our Homestay Coordinator will try meet the request listed on the Homestay Application. However, natural parents must understand that not all of the requests can always be met and they must be flexible with their choice of host families.

Student Placement Guidelines

The RDCRS Homestay Program operates from September 1 to June 30 of each year.

Students accessing the program before September 1 and after June 30 must have permission from the International Program and must pay an additional $30 for each day.

Changing Host Families

At times, difficulties may arise that will require mediation between the student and the Host Family. Our Homestay Coordinator will meet with both the student and host family and try to resolve any conflict that may arise. The decision to change a student to a different Host Family will be made by the Homestay Coordinator in consultation with the Host Family, Student, Natural Parent or Authorized Representative and the Manager of the RDCRS International Program.